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Speech about games [1,2,3,5 minutes], 1 minute speech on games.

Games are a form of entertainment that can be enjoyed by anyone, regardless of age or gender.

Games are also a form of communication that can be used to teach and learn skills. They have the ability to encourage creativity and problem-solving skills. Games also help children learn critical thinking and decision-making skills.

Playing games for physical fitness is a popular method of exercise. Games like Wii Fit, Wii Sports Club, and Dance Central are all examples of games that can help people stay physically fit.

Games provide a convenient way to keep track of progress and motivate users to keep playing. This has led to the development of more games that focus on physical health and wellness.

Quotes for Speech about Games

  • “Life is more fun if you play games.” – Roald Dahl
  • “Every game is an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential.” – Bud Wilkinson
  • “Life is a game, play it; Life is a challenge, meet it; Life is an opportunity, capture it.” – Unknown
  • “Games lubricate the body and the mind.” – Benjamin Franklin
  • “You don’t stop playing because you grow old; you grow old because you stop playing.” – Benjamin Franklin
  • “In every real man, a child is hidden that wants to play.” – Friedrich Nietzsche
  • “Life is a game where the player must appear ridiculous.” – Violet Bonham Carter
  • “Games are the most elevated form of investigation.” – Albert Einstein
  • “Life is more than just a game of luck.” – Lou Holtz
  • “Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Broun
  • “The game of life is a lot like football. You have to tackle your problems, block your fears, and score your points when you get the opportunity.” – Lewis Grizzard
  • “Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” – Vince Lombardi
  • “Life is a game that must be played.” – Edwin Arlington Robinson
  • “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you play the game.” – Grantland Rice

2 Minutes Speech on Games

Games are one of the most important components of a digital agency’s portfolio. Games can be used to generate content for their clients or just to have fun with.

Games are not just for entertainment purposes, but they can also be used as a tool for education and training. It is important that games are designed in such a way that they provide users with an immersive experience while teaching them about certain topics or skills.

Playing games on the ground is a fun activity that can be done by anyone. It is also an exercise that can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

We need playgrounds because children need to have a safe place to play and learn. It is a place where they can express themselves and be themselves without judgment.

Playgrounds are important for children, but it is also important for adults as they provide a space to be yourself without judgment. We need places where we can go and sit down, talk with others, or just be quiet.

3 Minutes Speech on Games

Games are a major form of entertainment. They are also a way to alleviate stress and anxiety. Games have been around for a long time and they continue to evolve in terms of content, technology, and art.

The importance of games can be seen in their popularity among the youth. According to a study conducted by the Entertainment Software Association, the average age of gamers is 34 years old but an increasing number of people are playing games at an older age.

Games have become more than just an escape from reality – they can also be used as a tool for education, training, and therapy.

Games are a great way to get your body moving and exercising. They can be used as an effective tool in getting your body into shape.

There are many games that you can play to help you get into shape. These games range from simple ones like walking, running, and biking to more complex ones like Crossfit, boxing, and yoga.

Playing games for physical fitness is a great way to get yourself moving while also having fun at the same time!

With the increasing number of people in the world, we need more playgrounds for them to play.

Playgrounds are a place where children can play and have fun. They provide a space for children to be free from their daily worries and just have some time to themselves. Sometimes they can even learn new things while playing at the playground.

The problem with playgrounds is that they tend to become too crowded due to lack of space, which increases the risk of accidents happening.

5 Minutes Speech on Games

Games are important in every society. They teach us how to problem-solve, cooperate and work with others. They also help us learn skills like math and reading. Games have a significant impact on our lives and we should make sure that they have a positive impact on society as well.

Games are important because they teach us how to problem solve, cooperate and work with others. They also help us learn skills like math and reading. Games have a significant impact on our lives and we should make sure that they have a positive impact on society as well.

Games are a popular pastime for many people. They offer the opportunity to learn and practice skills such as problem-solving, decision-making, and collaboration.

As games grow in popularity, more companies are using them as effective learning tools for their employees.

Playing games for physical fitness can be a fun way of staying in shape. Games are designed to test your skills, endurance, and coordination.

Playing games for physical fitness is becoming popular with the rise of gaming culture and the popularity of video games. The most common game is “Pong” which is played on a table tennis-like surface with two players trying to score points by hitting a ball back and forth across the table. Other popular games include “Guitar Hero”, “Super Smash Brothers”, “Mario Kart” and “Tetris”.

There are many ways in which these games can be used for physical fitness such as:

– Playing these games at home or during free time to reduce sedentary behavior

– Playing these games in group settings such as gyms or sporting events

– Playing these games at work during lunch breaks or after work hours

A playground is a place where children can play, run and have fun in a safe environment. It is essential to provide children with the freedom to explore and learn new things.

Playgrounds are important for both the physical and cognitive development of children. They help them build their skills, improve coordination and social skills, develop creativity, and problem-solving abilities, and so on.

Although playgrounds are often considered an important part of childhood development, they are also crucial for adults who want to get back in shape or just need some time to relax.

Examples of sentences that can be used in starting of this speech

Examples of sentences that can be used in closing of this speech, speeches in english.

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  • Speech on Health and Fitness
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  • Speech on Yoga
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  • Speech about Life
  • Speech on sports
  • Speech on Racism
  • Speech on Population
  • Speech on Overcoming Fear
  • Speech about Family
  • Speech on Mobile Phones
  • Speech on water conservation
  • Speech on Honesty
  • Speech on Culture
  • Speech on Unity in diversity
  • Speech on Peace
  • Speech on Time
  • Speech on Success
  • Speech on Leadership
  • Speech on Nature
  • Speech on Career
  • Speech about Music
  • Speech on Democracy
  • Speech on Noise Pollution
  • Speech on Air Pollution
  • Speech on Gratitude
  • Speech on Time management
  • Speech on Dance
  • Speech on Climate Change
  • Speech on Artificial Intelligence
  • Speech on Cyber security
  • Speech on Teamwork
  • Speech on Goal Setting
  • Speech on Plastic Waste Management
  • Speech on Feminism
  • Speech on Bhagat Singh
  • Speech on Books
  • Speech on Laughter is the Best Medicine
  • Speech on Swami Vivekananda
  • Speech on Road Safety
  • Speech on Cyber Crime
  • Speech on Energy Conservation
  • Speech on Online Education
  • Speech on Quaid-e-Azam
  • Speech on Allama Iqbal
  • Speech about Rainy Day
  • Speech about Teachers’ day
  • Speech about Graduation
  • Speech about Love
  • Speech about Football
  • Speech about Money
  • Speech about Anxiety
  • Speech about Politics
  • Speech about Nelson Mandela
  • Speech about Kindness
  • Speech about Cleanliness
  • Speech about Deforestation
  • Speech about Agriculture
  • speech about Cricket
  • Speech about Unemployment
  • Speech about Birthday
  • Speech about Patience
  • Speech about the Value of Time
  • Speech about Positive Thinking
  • Speech about Knowledge is Power
  • Speech about Games
  • Speech about Indian Culture
  • Speech about Appreciation
  • Speech about Farming
  • Speech about Debut
  • Speech about Purpose
  • Speech about Hardwork
  • Speech about Thank you / Thankfulness / being thankful
  • Speeches about Communication
  • Speech about Dreams and ambitions 
  • Speech about Confidence
  • Speech about traveling and Tourism
  • Speech about Corruption
  • Speech about the millennial generation
  • Speech about Success and Failure
  • Speech about Environmental Awareness
  • Speech about Life Goals
  • Speech about Stress
  • Speech about the Life of a Student
  • Speech about Social Issues
  • Speech about Mom
  • Speech about God
  • Speech about Plants
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English Summary

2 Minute Speech On The Esports In English

Good morning everyone present here, today I am going to give a speech on esports. Competitive gaming is known as esports, and it has gained a lot of worldwide popularity. Millions of committed followers watch games online while millions of players compete in several tournaments and events. Obviously, esports differ greatly from traditional sports like football and baseball, but because they have a sizable fan base and competitive gaming, many people claim that esports are legitimate sports.

Real-time strategy games, first-person shooters, and multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games all fall under the umbrella of electronic sports, or eSports. Dota 2, League of Legends, and most recently Heroes of the Storm (HoTS) have become more well-known as eSports games.

In order to manage their schedules and daily needs, eSports teams hire coaches and managers in the same way that professional sports teams do. The market for eSports is currently rapidly expanding, boasting multimillion-dollar deals and billions of fans worldwide. It is anticipated that more people will start watching eSports both online and on television.

Singapore’s eSports scene has never developed to the same extent as that in the US, Europe, China, Korea, or even Thailand, the Philippines, and Malaysia. In such nations, it is feasible to pursue a career as a professional gamer and earn a living. Daryl Koh, a competitive Dota 2 player who once represented Singapore, said, “It is not simple for every Singaporean to pursue eSports with the army and reality, which is why I went to China to join a new team to follow my goals.” Thank you. 

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Frantically Speaking

Memorable 2-Minute Speeches: How to Write & Deliver (With Examples)

Hrideep barot.

  • Public Speaking , Speech Topics , Speech Writing

Giving 2-minute speech

Giving memorable 2-minute speeches are tricker than giving 2-minute speeches. 

Speeches are an effective way to share your understanding, opinion, or perspective on a topic. It doesn’t matter if your speech is for 2 minutes, 10 minutes, or 50 minutes, the main essence of any speech is to reach the audience .

2-minute speeches are quite effective if presented in a well-structured manner. In fact, giving 2-minute speeches can also help you improve your public speaking skills. And that is the reason why schools ask the students to give 2-minute speeches for every assignment!

Now we understand you might have tons of questions when it comes to 2-minute speeches, but fret not, we’ve got you covered. Read till the end of the blog to get a more comprehensive idea about 2-minute speeches. 

Also, check out our video here if you want a very short glimpse of the article:

Is a 2-minute speech too short?

2-minute speeches come under the category of short speeches. So ideally 2 minute speeches are short speeches . But when we say is it too short? Then the answer will be subjective. 

For instance, If you are to present your research findings then a 2-minute speech would not do justice to years of your work. But at the same time if you are giving a self-introduction then 2 minute speeches are more than enough!

How long is a 2-minute speech?

To understand how long 2-minute speeches should be, you need to understand your pace of speaking which is the number of words spoken per minute.   An average person usually speaks about 130-150 words per minute . So for 2-minute speeches, 260-300 words should be sufficient. 

When it comes to the number of pages for a 2-minute speech, then your speech can be half to one page long . It all depends on the font size that you use!

Similarly, the number of sentences that would make up a 2-minute speech can vary depending on the font size that you use or your handwriting.

Writing 2-minute speeches

1. choose a topic.

The very first step in writing your speech is to know what you want to talk about, which is your topic !

You can either come up with the topic yourself or you can search for a broad topic on the internet and then narrow it down as per your liking. 

So if for example, you are writing a 2-minute speech on unity as strength , you may want to focus on a particular instance wherein unity shown by people worked as their strength and helped them achieve a goal, like a freedom struggle.  

2. Decide on your takeaway

 If you are wondering what takeaways are, then they are your answer to the question “why are you presenting this particular topic to the audience?”

For some the answer could be, to educate, give another perspective on a widely studied topic, or even awaken the audience to take action . 

In 2 minute speeches, the clock ticks faster so you should ideally focus on only 1 takeaway . 

Once you have figured out why you want to present the topic to your audience or listeners, you can then move to the next stage of research. 

3. Research for your speech

When you begin researching for 2 minutes speeches, you don’t have to get into tons of details . The idea is to give the audience enough information to understand your topic within a short time.

For starters, you can browse your topic on Google , YouTube , Instagram , and other social media channels. You might also want to research some facts or statistics related to your topic as it increases the credibility of your speech.

4. Structure your speech

There are 3 things to be kept in mind while structuring your speech. They are ethos, pathos, and logos. 

Ethos means credibility . It is concerned with giving the audience a reason to believe in you. So, if your speech is about the impact of gaming on violent behavior, mentioning that you are a psychologist would add credibility to your speech. 

Pathos is related to emotions . The idea is to connect with the listeners through emotions. And the easiest way to do that is through stories !

In the example above, you can share a story of a client who developed violent behavior patterns after spending a considerable amount of time on gaming and how they are doing now.

Logos means logic . Adding logical elements like facts, statistics, and quotes by famous personalities helps drive your main idea forward in a more rational sense. 

Again, taking the example of the impact of gaming on violent behavior, logos could include a sentence like:

School shootings have increased from 11 in 2009 to 93 in 2021. It is a staggering number and when you take a deeper look into it, you’ll find that a considerable number of these shooters were addicted to gaming.

Editing is something we believe is a very crucial part of giving a memorable 2-minute speech. Why?

Because 2-minute speeches aren’t only about what you say but also about what you choose not to say. 

Editing also helps you focus on your topic more clearly rather than drifting or diversifying your topic.

Delivering 2-minute Speeches

1. establish your takeaway.

Since you had already decided on your takeaway while writing the speech, you are well aware of it. But does your audience have any idea yet? No!

While they might infer why you are presenting the particular topic after listening to your speech, you cannot leave it to that. 

Establish your takeaway right at the beginning of your speech , so that the audience also understands what they can expect from your speech. 

2. How to begin a 2 minute Speech (Simple beginning)

This might come as a shocker, especially because we are always told to begin with a Bang! 

For 2-minute speeches, if you end up spending a lot of your time on the beginning, you will have to shorten the main content of your speech. 

Starting in a simple and direct manner suits best in such cases. 

A few ways in which you can begin your 2-minute speeches are given below:

If you are to introduce yourself, you can begin simply by saying your name. “Good afternoon everyone, I am Xyz…”

You can also use ethos, pathos, and logos to begin your 2-minute speeches. 

“Mumbai is known for 2 things gateway of India and potholes. Being someone who has lost a close friend of mine due to the careless work done towards these potholes , I’m here to address the issue we so conveniently drive over”
“About a year ago, in this very month of July, it was raining heavily in Mumbai. I remember this because there happened to be a friend of mine who was supposed to meet me for a meeting, we had that day, but he didn’t make it. The reason? Heavily flooded roads covered with potholes that he couldn’t see. A tragic accident or a convenient murder?”
“In 2018, Mumbai alone witnessed 522 accidents caused by potholes”

3. Emphasize

Repeating or rather stressing certain words gives rhythm to your speech. It also helps in easy learning and increases the chance of easy recall among the audience. 

4. How to End a 2 Minute Speech

When it comes to 2-minute speeches, your conclusion or closing lines are very important. The reason is that your audience will mostly remember the last part of your speech better than the rest . 

Make sure to restate the takeaway and main crux of your speech . You can also end your speech by quoting some famous personalities . In many speeches, the speaker asks the audience to take action or to think about a question that they leave the audience with. 

So, we now know how your phone helps you socialize but keeps you away from the same people physically. We have been living in this virtual world for quite some time now. The least you can do is to keep your technology aside especially when you are with people you care about. An hour without your phone won’t hurt, will it?

Impromptu 2-minute speeches

Impromptu speeches are ones where you are given the topic on the spot with little to no time to prepare for the speech. In such cases, you barely have any time to go about carrying out thorough research and structuring your speech. 

Rather you can keep a few frameworks in your mind and then structure the speech accordingly on the spot. This is the most convenient way of delivering effective impromptu 2-minute speeches. 

A few frameworks that you can use for your 2-minute impromptu speeches are:

1. PREP model

PREP stands for Point, Reason, Example, and Point . This essentially means that you begin by talking about something, then give a reason that justifies that point. You then follow it with an example to back your point and end by repeating the point to reach your audience in a structured manner.

2. WWW model 

No, WWW doesn’t stand for World Wide Web. Rather it means answering 3 questions, 

  • Who are you?
  • What do you do?
  • Where are you going from here?

WWW works best when you have to give an impromptu introduction of yourself . 

An example of using the WWW model to introduce yourself is given below. 

Hello everyone, I am Arsh M, a fashion designer, and advocate of sustainability. During my college years, I was astonished by the amount of cloth waste produced each day. Upon researching, I realized that the fashion industry happens to be one of the biggest polluters in the world. This motivated me to work towards bringing more sustainable styling choices for everyone. That is when I began my venture in Sustainaesthetic. We are a completely sustainable and animal cruelty-free brand that aims to provide you with diverse sustainable styling options at a very affordable rate so that saving the planet doesn’t hurt your pockets!

3. Pointer Format

As the name suggests, the pointer format involves dividing your content into 3-5 points . This will make it easier for you to talk about each point for a couple of seconds before moving to the next. At the same time, it sounds very structured and may be easy to recall. 

An example of a pointer format is a speech given the by CEO of Pepsico Indra Nooyi . 

Famous 2-minute speeches

1. indra nooyi.

The speech given by Pepsico’s CEO is well-written and spoken . She begins by appreciating India, her home country, and then moves on to briefly talk about her 3 life lessons. Diving her speech into such crisp segments with an introduction, 3 pointers and finally, a conclusion, makes the speech very comprehensive and structured . 

2. Denzel Washington

The speech given by Denzel Washington is one of the most motivating speeches of all time . It is because of the way he calmly delivers the speech by taking required pauses to stress the important lines. 

2-minute speeches from movies

Speeches in movies usually bring out the emotion of awe, inspiration, or sympathy . We will look at two such 2-minute inspirational speeches from movies.

1. Any Given Sunday 

The scene on any given day is worth noting for its storytelling approach . Al Pacino begins his speech with brutal honesty when he says “ We are in hell gentlemen.” 

He then goes on to talk about how the game is very similar to everyone’s life and emphasizes being at the right place at the right time. 

“One second early or one second late, you miss a catch,” he says. In the latter half of his speech, he increases his voice as if trying to reach his player’s very core, in an attempt to motivate them to do their level best in the game.

2. Coach Carter 

This speech scene of Coach Carter is unlike other traditional scenes where the coach inspires his students. Rather, one of the students gives a very short speech that moves not only his teammates but also his teacher. 

It can also be counted as a very effective thank you speech!

Monologues happen to be yet another powerful tool used in 2-minute speeches from movies. Monologues are long dialogues given by a single character. Let’s take a look at some of the most striking monologues given in movies

2-minute dramatic monologue for male

When it comes to dramatic monologues for males, the dialogue is often very inspiring or tries to instill the right amount of motivation among the team players or the soldiers. Let us take a look at 2 such dramatic monologues given by male characters in movies that had an amazing impact on their audience.

1. V for Vendetta

V for vendetta isn’t only an amazing movie, but this monologue by V is out of the ordinary. In the scene, V introduces himself to a woman whom he had just saved. 

He uses alliteration by introducing himself with words that start with V. Check out the exact dialogue to get a clearer idea about the monologue.

V oila! In v iew, a humble v audevillian v eteran is cast v icariously as both v ictim and v illain by the v icissitudes of fate. This v isage, no mere v eneer of v anity, is a v estige of v ox populi, now v acant, v anished. However, this v alorous v isitation of a bygone v exation stands v ivified and had v owed to v anquish these v enal and v irulent v ermin v anguarding v ice and v ouchsafing the v iolently v icarious and v iolation of v olition…. You may call me V.

2. Wolf of Wallstreet

Who hasn’t heard of this amazing movie, wolf of wall street? One thing that we will observe when it comes to this movie is that the main lead had amazing public speaking skills . He had the power to persuade his listeners and encourage them to chip in at their level best for the growth of the organization. 

In one such speech, he talks about how he isn’t leaving them and that he is here to stay. 

The use of dramatic suspense followed by his change in tone and voice is something worth noting.

2-minute dramatic monologue for female

When it comes to dramatic monologues given by female characters in movies, 2 of these scenes come into our minds. The scenes are both beautifully written and executed by the actors.

1. Devil Wears Prada

In the movie Devil Wears Prada, the monologue is given by Meryl Streep who plays the role of Miranda Priestly. The speech is worth noting as she dramatically explains how even a small difference between two pieces of clothing to a lay person is a big difference for the fashion moguls as it is their opportunity to create millions!

Her passion for the industry is quite evident from the 2-minute speech. Further, the way her character picks up the pace when she talks about the reality of the fashion industry brings out her annoyance at the assistant and acts as a way of showing authority through words.

The movie 300 features a small scene where the queen requests the councilmen to send more men to war, to help not only her husband but also all the others who are already a part of it. 

We see the use of ethos in the speech when the queen says the following statement:

I come to you as a mother. I come to you as a wife. I come to you as a spartan woman.

Examples of 2-minute speeches

If you are looking for some examples for your next 2-minute speech or 2-minute speeches to memorize, check out the ones given below!

How to introduce yourself in 2 minutes?

When you have to introduce yourself in 2-minutes, it is better to follow a simple structure of past, and present. 

An example of introducing yourself as a fresher for a job interview has been given below

Good afternoon, I am Arya Rose. I recently graduated from ABC college, majoring in Analytics. Growing up I had always found immense interest in math and had also won Olympiads at the school level. During my under graduation, I had taken up a course in tools for Data Analysis which made me realize my inclination toward analytics. It also encouraged me to pursue my major in the field of analytics. 

Being an active member of my college, I made sure to participate in and represent my college across various events and intercollegiate festivals. I also had the chance to be a part of Hackin which is ABC’s elite Hackathon team. With the Team, we stood 2nd at Hackified, a hackathon organized by QPR college.  

I was further able to put my theoretical knowledge to use by interning with this amazing organization called ANAlysis. The internship spanned over 3 months and I was able to gain an in-depth understanding of software like R and Python. 

I now look forward to gaining more practical experience in the field by working and growing with your esteemed organization. 

2 minute thank you speech

There are a few things that you must keep in your mind while you are giving a thank you speech. 

  • Acknowledge the people around you
  • Thank them 
  • Introduce yourself or why you are giving this speech. 
  • Individually thank every person required.
  • Add some inspiring or heartfelt closing marks

An example of a 2-minute thank you speech for an event is given below. 

I’d like to first thank every one of you present here, for joining us to make this event an absolute success. To those of you who might not know, I am Shiya M, the editor of the XYZ club and the coordinator of this amazing open mic event “Mehar.” Mehar means blessing in Punjabi, and there is a reason behind it.

On my very first day at XYZ, I was stunned to see the company ritual. Before leaving we were to recall one blessing that we received that day from our colleagues. As unusual as it felt, it was beyond measure one of the most beautiful rituals I had come across. You see in this fast-moving world, we tend to focus a lot on our busy schedule for the things we don’t have. And in all that chaos, we forget to take a look at the n number of blessings showered our way.

So, we wanted to provide a platform where you could do that, even if it was for a couple of hours. 

I’d like to thank Ms. T, founder of XYZ, and her immense support and encouragement throughout, Arya and Daven for working closely with all the participants and audience members, ensuring that all your needs were met. I’d also like to thank Mr. Ajay for the technical support provided to him and how can we not thank Jay for being our lead guitarist, tuning in the vibe of this small room as per each participant’s requirement, Jay thank you!

Thank you to all the participants for presenting such beautifully written pieces, we enjoyed them all. A great round of applause for our participants!

Last, I’d like to thank our dear audience for being patient and for motivating all our speakers today you have been the most amazing audience we have ever seen!

Thank you again all of you, it was a great pleasure interacting with every one of you. 

meher rakhi!

Humorous 2-minute speeches

If you are trying to understand how to add humor to your speech and make it more fun as well as casual, check out the 2-minute speech example given below.

2-minute humorous speech by bridesmaid

“Hello everyone, first of all, I’d like to begin quite humbly by thanking everyone present for gathering here to celebrate the union of this beautiful couple Jess and Jim. 

Now if you know jess, you know me. Because I pretty much tag along with her everywhere. Just like those lice in your hair, can’t leave her alone!

At 5, I had taken up responsibility. It was to protect this absolutely beautiful soul. But as we grew up, it turned out that she was the one who protected me. What the turn tables!

Jess, I’m grateful every day to have such an amazing sister like you in my life who motivates me to do better and talk to “decent” guys..pst they are just not my type!

You’ve been my mom at times, waiting at the door every time I’d get late which makes me wonder if mom outsourced her strictness to you? And if yes, why not me? I was the broke kid!

 I’m going to miss those small things you know? How you told me it was chocolate powder when it was coffee, how I never won a game I played with you because you never played it fair, and oh how you never missed complimenting my outfit when I was wearing your clothes!

But seriously, I’m going to miss you tons. I hope you get your fairytale happily ever after! To Jess and Jim!

if you have been asking yourself which topic is best for a 2-minute speech? what are some good topics to speak on? or what should I do for my school speech?

Here is a list of various topics you can choose from!

Common topics for 2-minute speeches

  • Environment
  • Domestic Violence
  • Women’s Day
  • Teachers’ Day
  • Importance of Cleanliness

2-minute speech topics for students

  • Failure: A blessing in disguise
  • The best attitude to have is gratitude
  • Is there value in homework?
  • Impact of technology on mental health
  • The authenticity of online degrees
  • The future is sustainability
  • Social media detox
  • Blended learning and its benefits
  • Residential programs and their benefits
  • New education policy
  • Value of time
  • Importance of education
  • Discipline and its importance.
  • 2-minute speech on any freedom fighter
  • Ban on school uniforms

2-minute speech topics for adults

  • Work-life balance for remote employees
  • Fields that can turn completely virtual
  • Slow living: beyond the hustle
  • Impact of diet on mental health
  • Unhealthy patterns that cost you in your 40s
  • Advice to an 18-year-old
  • How colors affect people
  • Consistency over motivation
  • Future of automobile
  • Metaverse: the new shopping hub
  • The power of fake news
  • Ban on animal testing
  • Adopt, don’t shop!
  • Social media diet fads or eating disorders?
  • Can money buy happiness?

Final words

2-minute speeches are short, crisp speeches that help in conveying your ideas or opinions to the people effectively. As the time is short, focusing too much on the opening lines or in-depth research will steal your time. Instead, focus on a takeaway and chip in extra efforts to give a memorable conclusion.

At the end of the day, there are no strict rules that you must follow for 2-minute speeches, and hence you are open to writing it and delivering it the way that suits best for you.

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Speech on Should Violent Video Games Be Banned?


  • Updated on  
  • Dec 19, 2023

Should Violent Video Games Be Banned?

Speech on Should Violent Video Games Be Banned: Playing games always helps one to maintain physical strength. Whether it be long hours or for a few minutes, training the brain with an activity always helps one engage in an activity. 

2 minute speech on video games

But what if video games are blamed for spreading violence? Will it still be justified to support violent video games? 

Just like there are two sides of a coin, there are both negative and positive impacts of playing video games. Here’s a speech on should violent video games be banned or not.

Table of Contents

  • 1.1 Pros For Banning Violent Video Games
  • 2 Cons Against Banning Violent Video Game

Also Read: Online Games Good or Bad Speech

Long Speech on Speech on Should Violent Video Games Be Banned? 

Hello and welcome to all the teachers and fellow students. Today we all are gathered here to share our views on the contentious topic that has sparked across the various platforms— Should Violent Video Games Be Banned? 

Pros For Banning Violent Video Games

Let’s discuss what can be possible positive points for banning violent video games:

1. Potential Impact on Aggressive Behaviour

Violent video games such as Resident Evil, The Witcher, and Bioshock likewise suggest a correlation between video games and increased violent behaviour among children. 

The gaming disorder hinders them from understanding and regulating human emotions and results in aggression, depression, and an anxious state. 

2. Protecting Vulnerable Audiences

Younger players, who aren´t able to justify wrong and right actions might result in deficit or depressive symptoms. Symptoms of feeling sad, hopeless, and furious are some of the negative impacts of such negative impacts of violent video games. 

Banning such video games can help the vulnerable audience from potential negative consequences. 

3. Public Safety

Individuals who love to mitigate their favourite characters might carry the same with violent video games. Killing of people, and animals, foul language, and use and abuse of drugs and alcohol are some of the examples of harmful acts. 

Banning such fierce video games may be seen as a precautionary measure to mitigate the risk of such individuals. 

Also Read: 2-Minute Speech on What Makes Learning Fun

Cons Against Banning Violent Video Game

Let us understand whether it is correct to ban video games just because of their violent likeness: 

1. Freedom of Expression

Do you find it justified to ban a speech of expression? Video games are a part of art and creative voice like other forms of media. 

Banning video games with violence is a violation of the creator´s artistic freedom and its impressions. Also, it restricts the potential for storytelling and creativity. 

2. Impact of Industry

As per the data of Statista Market Insights, the video game market is forecasted to reach a revenue of US$389.70 billion by 2028, which is undoubtedly a considerable figure. Banning video games because of their depiction is not justified. 

Also, banning the violent video games industry could result in severe economic consequences, leading to job losses and economic downturns. 

3. Risk of Creating a Black Market

Banning video games with violence can create a secret illegal or black market. These video games, which will be accessed by different groups of children, including minors, might not be safe or regulated. 

Also, there is the possibility of creating hidden illegal businesses too. 

Banning video games with violent depictions is not a solution. Practice should be done to encourage children to consider what they are watching or playing. Instead of putting restrictions, suggest or advise them to learn how to handle situations.

Violent video games express freedom and individual responsibility; thus, one cannot hinder one’s fundamental rights and views.

Many factors contribute to a person’s behaviour. However, it cannot be denied that violent video games don’t create mental disorder problems. 

The relationship between violent video games and anxiety varies from person to person. Excessive video games with violent depictions without proper guidance can cause anxiety. 

Parents can communicate, keep themselves informed about the games, and use parental controls for violent video games. 

Some considerations related to violent video game behaviour are aggression, problems in decision-making, and real-life violence.

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For more information on such interesting speech topics for your school, visit our speech writing page and follow Leverage Edu .

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Deepika Joshi

Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with expertise in creating educational and informative content. She has a year of experience writing content for speeches, essays, NCERT, study abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and ananlysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particulary in education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs with related to her field to further expand her expertise. In personal life, she loves creative writing and aspire to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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My Speech Class

Public Speaking Tips & Speech Topics

Good 2-Minute Speech Topics for Students

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

The fear of public speaking is something that a lot of people share. It’s usually named as one of the most common fears that people have. Believe it or not, the best way to conquer a fear of public speaking is to just do it—a lot. Because the more you do it, the easier it gets. Eventually, you’ll start to get a little more comfortable and it’s not a problem anymore. Believe it or not, you might actually start to enjoy it. This is one reason why it’s important for children and adolescents to give speeches in school.

In this article:

The 2-Minute Speech

School-aged children, 2 minute speech topics: 4 illustrations.

2 minute speech topics

One thing that can help get young children and teens over their initial nervousness is to give them an interesting topic to talk about. Sometimes, it can be something that they genuinely have an interest in and might be excited to give a speech on. Or it can be something funny to help them break through their nervousness.

Topics for young children should be fun, simple, and something they can easily come up with on their own. You don’t want to give them a topic that is too difficult or requires too much preparation. Let’s face it, they’re going to be really nervous. The focus should be learning how to cope with speaking in front of a group comfortably and effectively, not necessarily on the content, subject, or topic.

Topics for teenagers and high school ESL students can be a little more personal or in depth but still needs to be a demonstrative speech, motivational speech, persuasive speech topic, an informative speech topic, or a funny impromptu speech in order to captivate the audience. Depending on the subject of the class where the student is giving the speech, the topic can loosely relate to whatever is being taught. That said, it’s important to remember that teenagers are also going to be nervous—in some cases, very nervous. Perhaps even more so than younger children because teenagers tend to worry more about what other people will think and are very concerned with fitting in.

Choosing the topic is important, especially for a 2-minute speech and will help with student progress. However, there is no point in giving a talk on Donald Trump for a few minutes if you don’t know anything about him. But don’t worry, we have some great ideas.

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List of 2-Minute Speech Topics

  • My Favorite Animal
  • My Favorite Stuffed Animal
  • The Best Toy Ever
  • My Favorite Food for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner
  • Something I Love To Do for Fun
  • How to Build with Lego
  • The Best Day of My Life
  • The Smartest Cartoon Character
  • The Worst Chore
  • The Best Cookie
  • The Best Place to Go in Summer
  • How to Eat an Apple
  • Why Is the Sky Blue?
  • If I Had a Superpower
  • A New Rule I Would Make
  • My Favorite Cereal
  • What Is the Best Letter of the Alphabet?
  • Is Summer Better than Winter?
  • When I Grow Up
  • Best Thing to Do at Recess
  • How to Eat Pancakes
  • Pizza Crust: Yes or No?
  • A Time I was Brave
  • The Greatest Animal on the Farm
  • My Favorite T-Shirt
  • The Funniest Thing to Do with My Mom/Dad
  • What Is the Best Pet?
  • Who is My Hero?
  • If I Had $100
  • The Best Thing about A Farm
  • Where Do Rainbows Come From?
  • Why I Like Being the Oldest/Youngest Sibling
  • How to Have Fun in the Rain
  • The Best Thing about October
  • The Grossest Pizza Topping
  • The Hardest Thing I Ever Did
  • Sandwiches: With or Without Crusts
  • The Tastiest Fruit
  • The Best Thing That Is the Color Red/Blue/Orange
  • When I Learned to Tie My Shoes
  • Creamy or Chunky Peanut Butter
  • Why Does It Rain?
  • What Is Thunder?
  • Crayons or Markers: Which Are Better?
  • How to Make Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • The Best Thing about Having a Dog/Cat
  • My Halloween Costume
  • When I Learned to Ride a Bike
  • My Best Friend
  • How to Pick a Book to Read
  • The Best Thing about My Mom/Dad/Sister/Brother
  • My Favorite Ice Cream Flavor
  • My Favorite Animal at the Zoo
  • What Is the Best Color Apple?
  • Ketchup On Your French Fries: Yes or No
  • Teaching Grandma to Use a Smartphone
  • How to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
  • Would You Rather Use Textbooks or Tablets in Class?
  • How to Effectively Fake Being Sick
  • The Most Annoying Thing my Mom/Dad Ever Did
  • Prom: Yay or Nay?
  • The Biggest Lesson I Have Learned
  • If Time Travel Were Real
  • The Stupidest Rule My Parents Have
  • A Much Needed Invention
  • Why I Love/Hate Vampires
  • The Best Book I’ve Ever Read
  • How to Tell a Fact from an Opinion
  • Explaining Snapchat to Your Parents
  • The Best App on My Phone
  • Three Things I Can’t Live without
  • The Best Lifehack I Ever Heard
  • How Do I Feel when My Cell Battery is at 10%?
  • The Best Advice I Ever Got
  • My Favorite Sandwich
  • My Dream Car
  • What I’m Dreading about College
  • Facebook vs. Twitter
  • How Social Media Makes my Life Better/Worse
  • How to Compose the Perfect Tweet
  • My Favorite Snapchat Filter
  • Best Member of my Favorite Band
  • Greatest Song Lyrics of All Time
  • Is there Value in Homework?
  • Should School Start Later?
  • Naps: Yay or Nay?
  • iPhone vs. Android
  • My Biggest Fear
  • My After School Job
  • Things I Could Have Done Instead of Preparing this Speech
  • Pineapple on Pizza
  • Best Toppings for a Burger
  • If I Could Only Listen to One Song for the Rest of My Life
  • How I Got my Driver’s License
  • Why Video Games Are Good
  • One Movie I Still Love from When I Was Little
  • The First Thing I Ever Bought for Myself
  • The Worst Superpower
  • The Most Disgusting Household Chore
  • If I Could Eat Only One Food for the Rest of My Life
  • Spotify vs. Pandora
  • Best Song to Listen to When Feeling Happy/Sad
  • Bad Date Ideas
  • The Greatest Purchase I Ever Made
  • My Favorite Instagram Filter
  • Texting or Calling?
  • If I Had $1,000
  • Something That Scares Me about Graduating
  • How to Ask Someone On a Date

Speech: Cons of the War in Iraq

Main Point I Too many American troops and Iraqi civilians are killed. Time to build up the country with the help of the locals.
II The final cost of the combats are sky high and we are not able to collect those billions of dollars back. Even when we could rely on oil revenues and pay back sessions of the International Monetary Fund.
III The integrity and the world opinion of the USA is at risk if we stay. Our efforts ought to aspire sustaining democray in that nation and assist in democratic values and constituencies.

Speech: Teleworking Is a Win-Win Solution

Main Point I Reduces traffic jams in the early days of the week, and at the end of working hours at our main roads.
II Reduces transportation pollution; as there are less passenger vehicles and heavy lorries on the road that leaven CO2 emissions.
III No late or non-arrival of employees any more. It saves society billions of dollars in terms of productivity and road maintenance.
IV Reduces child day care costs when both parents are hurrying and rushing.
V More time when urgently needed for family matters, like loving, caring, gaming, experiencing what is the cloud and so on.

Speech: Political Term Limits – An Evil Necessity

I Avoid too much power in the same office of a small group of people in the long term.
II Nerds and totally incapable whimps will leave the stage after the limit.
III Career bureaucrats, media elites and professional lobby interest groups will replaced.

Speech: Online Casino Offers Are Dangerous

I Getting your winner money after you cash out is a very slow traject.
II No form of appeal against in case of a dispute about the game or rules.
III It’s very addicting and only a few people can resist the desire to try over and over again to win lost money back.
IV Your credit card balance will drop down in a snap.
V There is much more to tell about bad experiences with online casino offers, dive back into your own past perhaps …

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20 thoughts on “Good 2-Minute Speech Topics for Students”

Why are teachers so worried about hoods being up

Love the ideas they are so funny 🙂

I had to give speech in English in my MORNING assembly Suggest me a topic

Democracy =equality before law Democracy= disparity before law ✓/×

Why do teachers not like it when kids say Gucci?

I have to give a speech on Tuesday can you please assist me I was given the topic the class is the rest not the best

I need help for my 2 minute speech. I need to give it one Wednesday.

what my dog is thinking

I need to a speech done in 20 minutes for 3 minutes someone help me with ideas please xxx

plz need a topic right now for school it has to be something you can reserch plz help mehhhh

Please, I need a good 3-4 minute speech topic please send one through!!!!

I need one because I love speech writing. I am in grade 4

Ehm would pls give an example of a heading of a speech presented in a PTA meeting

Hey can you please help me out I’m in grade 7 I need help to right a 2 minute essay on school Thank you.

Why kids pick mums over dads

There should be reserved ladies seats in public transport.yes or no?? marks are more important than practical learning.yes or no? what should we do when a man or boy boards the ladies compartment in train or metro?

im stuck with coments and im freeking out its ment to be handed in today

ummmm why can’t our school just let us do our old speech instead of spending two hole hours on thinking of a new on

what to add to our school

Importance of reading

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2 Minute Speech on the Impact of Computer Games on Youth

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Until some years ago, when children talked about games it meant team games like football , cricket , hockey, basketball, shuttle, tennis and the like. But today games are more or less dominated by computer games in the minds of youngsters.

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Again, until some time ago, blue whale was the answer to the question “Which is the biggest animal on earth?” But no longer. Blue Whale is the name of an online computer game played over social networks which encourages youngsters to do certain tasks ending in suicide.

So let me spell out the topic for my speech. It is the Impact of Computer Games on Youth. It is very clear that youngsters interact with video games in much deeper ways physically, emotionally, and mentally than with other popular media like films. You can also read Gaming as Career, Entertainment, and Addiction! for further insight on gaming.

First let me focus on the benefits of computer games.

Many claim that computer games improve co-ordination, attention, concentration and problem-solving skills. It also enhances memory, helps in multitasking capability and can also be used as excellent teaching tools.

There are video games like building a city or helping others. These can help a youngster to be socially responsible and behave with care and concern for others.

Computer games, some people say, help youngsters to get familiar with the online world. It allows them to become smart kids and builds perseverance in them as many computer games have different levels which the gamer has to master.

Quick thinking, fast analysis, intelligent use of resources and management, planning and strategy and situational awareness are some other benefits that people highlight.

Let us assume that all these are good. Let us now look at some of the negatives.

Very young children are also exposed to the world of computer gaming. Sometimes these games can encourage violence and crime. So there should be a supervision of what type of game is played.

Secondly, the amount of time one spends on computer games have to be limited. There are known cases of people spending long hours on games without eating, mingling with friends or studying. This affects health as well as the person’s ability to interact with other people face to face.

Thirdly women are generally portrayed in games as weak and as kind of objects. It is a kind of negative stereotyping. It can wrongly impact the young boys and the way they treat women.

Again, there are studies which show that video games can lead to aggressive behaviour because of constantly playing games which require the gamer to take part in violence.

Another difficulty with video games is that parents rarely spend time with their children trying to find out what games they play. So parents lose a chance of bonding with their children; they lose the chance to spend quality time with their kids and of course they lose the chance to understand what type of behaviour change is occurring in their children because of the video games they play.

Finally, there is the danger of not differentiating between the real world and the fantasy world. Unless the youngsters are taught between the differences in the gaming world and the real world there can come moments of confusion and disappointment.

Let me conclude by saying that we cannot forget the fact video games and gaming have become a multi-billion dollar industry . It might easily be the fastest growing entertainment in the world today.The high quality of graphics giving a greater sense of virtual reality is drawing people more and more into a different world far removed from the real one. And it is impacting youngsters in a big way. Only time will tell of how the life of youth changed with video games dominating their play, study, thinking, and relationships.

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200+ 2-Minute Speech Topics For Students: Engage Your Audience

2-minute speech topics for students

Public speaking is a crucial skill for personal and professional development, and one effective way to hone this skill is through the practice of 2-minute speech topics for students. These short presentations not only sharpen communication abilities but also cultivate confidence and poise in students. 

In this blog, we’ll explore the significance of 2-minute speeches, discuss the benefits they offer, provide a range of engaging speech topics, and offer tips for successful delivery.

Benefits of Studying 2-Minute SpeechTopics

Table of Contents

The advantages of incorporating 2-minute speech topics for students into a student’s learning journey are manifold. Firstly, these brief presentations offer an excellent opportunity to improve communication skills. 

The concise nature of the speeches demands clarity and precision in conveying ideas, helping students develop a knack for articulating thoughts effectively.

Secondly, engaging in 2-minute speeches enhances public speaking abilities. Students learn to captivate an audience within a short timeframe, a valuable skill in various academic and professional settings. 

This practice also contributes to overcoming stage fright and nervousness, fostering a sense of confidence that extends beyond the realm of public speaking.

Lastly, regular participation in 2-minute speeches contributes to boosted confidence and self-esteem. Success in delivering concise and impactful presentations fosters a positive self-perception, encouraging students to tackle more significant challenges with a newfound assurance.

Criteria for Choosing Speech Topics

Selecting the right topics for 2-minute speech topics for students is crucial for a successful and engaging presentation. To achieve this, consider the following criteria:

  • Relevance to Students’ Interests: Topics that resonate with the students’ passions or concerns are more likely to capture their attention and enthusiasm.
  • Appropriateness for the Audience and Setting: Ensure that the chosen topic is suitable for the audience’s age group and the setting of the presentation. Avoid controversial subjects that may not be suitable for all audiences.
  • Potential for Engagement and Interaction: Opt for topics that encourage audience engagement, whether through thought-provoking questions, interactive elements, or relatable anecdotes.

2-Minute Speech Topics For Students

  • The impact of social media on interpersonal relationships.
  • How to cultivate a growth mindset for academic success.
  • The significance of mental health awareness in schools.
  • Exploring the benefits of extracurricular activities on student development.
  • The role of empathy in building a positive school culture.
  • Overcoming obstacles: A personal journey of resilience and triumph.
  • The influence of role models on shaping career aspirations.
  • The power of small acts of kindness in creating a positive school environment.
  • The future of technology in education: Opportunities and challenges.
  • The importance of financial literacy for high school students.
  • Unraveling the mysteries of the universe: A brief look at astrophysics.
  • Navigating the digital age: Tips for responsible online behavior.
  • The impact of climate change on global ecosystems.
  • The art of effective time management for student success.
  • Embracing diversity: Creating an inclusive school community.
  • The psychology behind effective study habits.
  • Exploring the history and significance of cultural celebrations.
  • The benefits of learning a second language in a globalized world.
  • The role of sports in promoting teamwork and leadership skills.
  • The journey to self-discovery: Embracing individuality in adolescence.
  • Breaking down stereotypes: Challenging societal expectations.
  • The influence of literature on shaping perspectives and empathy.
  • The power of mindfulness in reducing stress and improving focus.
  • A glimpse into the world of artificial intelligence and its applications.
  • The impact of music on mood and cognitive performance.
  • Fostering environmental consciousness: Small steps for a greener planet.
  • The psychology of motivation: How to stay inspired in your studies.
  • The history and significance of human rights movements.
  • The benefits of learning coding and programming languages.
  • Exploring the wonders of the human brain and neuroscience.
  • Understanding the importance of sleep for academic success.
  • The role of curiosity in sparking creativity and innovation.
  • The impact of fast fashion on the environment and ethical alternatives.
  • The history and cultural significance of traditional dances.
  • The journey to self-acceptance: Embracing flaws and imperfections.
  • The benefits of volunteering for personal and community growth.
  • The science behind renewable energy sources.
  • The power of storytelling in preserving cultural heritage.
  • The impact of social movements on shaping societal norms.
  • Exploring the mysteries of the deep sea and marine life.
  • Overcoming procrastination: Strategies for effective time management.
  • The significance of critical thinking in the information age.
  • The role of nutrition in supporting cognitive function.
  • The art of effective public speaking and presentation skills.
  • The impact of video games on cognitive skills and decision-making.
  • The benefits of physical activity on mental health.
  • The importance of cyberbullying awareness and prevention.
  • The influence of family dynamics on personal development.
  • The power of goal-setting for academic and personal success.
  • The history and cultural significance of traditional cuisines.
  • The impact of social isolation on mental health in adolescents.
  • The role of art and creativity in expressing emotions.
  • The benefits of learning a musical instrument for cognitive development.
  • The evolution of communication: From cave drawings to social media.
  • Exploring the wonders of space exploration and its advancements.
  • The impact of peer pressure on decision-making in adolescence.
  • The significance of emotional intelligence in building strong relationships.
  • The benefits of participating in debate clubs and public speaking forums.
  • The role of humor in reducing stress and improving mood.
  • The impact of positive role models on character development.
  • The history and cultural significance of ancient civilizations.
  • The importance of civic engagement and community involvement.
  • The benefits of practicing mindfulness meditation for stress relief.
  • The influence of classical literature on modern storytelling.
  • The power of gratitude in fostering a positive mindset.
  • The impact of social media activism on raising awareness.
  • The role of curiosity in scientific discovery and innovation.
  • Exploring the history and cultural impact of hip-hop music.
  • The benefits of learning about different world religions.
  • The significance of effective communication in building relationships.
  • The journey to self-improvement: Setting and achieving personal goals.
  • The impact of artificial intelligence on the future job market.
  • The benefits of learning basic financial skills for future success.
  • The influence of popular culture on societal values.
  • The importance of empathy in conflict resolution and peacemaking.
  • The history and impact of famous inventions on society.
  • The role of emotional resilience in overcoming challenges.
  • The benefits of learning about different forms of government.
  • The power of positive affirmations in shaping self-perception.
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem.
  • The role of laughter in promoting physical and mental well-being.
  • The benefits of learning about world geography and cultures.
  • The significance of community service in building character.
  • The influence of famous speeches on shaping historical events.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity.
  • The benefits of learning about different philosophical perspectives.
  • The role of effective communication in conflict resolution.
  • The journey to discovering personal passions and interests.
  • The significance of renewable energy in combating climate change.
  • The power of positive thinking in overcoming adversity.
  • The impact of technology on the future of healthcare.
  • The benefits of learning basic first aid and emergency response.
  • The influence of literature on fostering empathy and compassion.
  • The role of social skills in building strong interpersonal relationships.
  • The importance of setting boundaries for mental health.
  • The impact of gaming on hand-eye coordination and problem-solving.
  • The benefits of learning about the history of human rights movements.
  • The role of resilience in overcoming academic challenges.
  • The significance of cultural exchange programs in promoting understanding.
  • The power of effective storytelling in capturing an audience’s attention.
  • The impact of social media on political awareness and engagement.
  • The benefits of learning about different forms of art and expression.
  • The influence of peer support in navigating adolescence.
  • The importance of digital literacy in the information age.
  • The role of hobbies in promoting work-life balance.
  • The benefits of learning about sustainable living practices.
  • The impact of positive affirmations on mental health and well-being.
  • The significance of learning about historical revolutions and movements.
  • The power of effective communication in leadership roles.
  • The journey to developing emotional intelligence in relationships.

Tips for Delivering a Successful 2-Minute Speech Topics For Students

Once the topic is chosen, the delivery of the speech is crucial for its success. Here are some tips to ensure a successful presentation:

  • Practice and Timing: Rehearse the speech multiple times to ensure it fits within the 2-minute timeframe. Practice also helps improve fluency and reduces nervousness.
  • Engaging the Audience: Use techniques like eye contact, gestures, and vocal variation to keep the audience engaged. A lively and interactive presentation is more likely to leave a lasting impression.
  • Using Visuals or Props Effectively: Depending on the topic, consider incorporating visuals or props to enhance the audience’s understanding and engagement. Visual aids can be particularly effective in conveying complex ideas.

Resources for Further Assistance

For students looking to enhance their public speaking skills further, various resources are available:

  • Online Platforms for Speech Topic Ideas: Websites like TED, Khan Academy, and various public speaking forums offer a wealth of speech topic ideas and inspiration.
  • Public Speaking Courses or Workshops: Local community centers, schools, or online platforms often offer public speaking courses or workshops that provide valuable insights and practical tips.
  • Speechwriting and Delivery Tips from Experts: Books, podcasts, and online articles by experienced public speakers can offer valuable advice on speechwriting and effective delivery.

In conclusion, mastering the art of 2-minute speech topics for students is a valuable skill for students, offering benefits that extend beyond the realm of public speaking. By choosing engaging topics, practicing effective delivery, and avoiding common mistakes, students can develop into confident and articulate communicators. 

The diverse range of speech topics provided, coupled with additional resources for further assistance, ensures that students have the tools they need to succeed in their public speaking endeavors. 

So, embrace the opportunity to speak for two minutes, and watch your communication skills soar to new heights.

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Doing an informative speech on video games and need some input

As mentioned in the title, I am doing an informative speech on video games. I've decided to focus on the different types of video games throughout the years, but I can't decide between either: a) Talking about the different types of consoles and/or platforms or b) Talking about the different genres. It's only a 6-8 minute speech, so I can't possibly cover everything.

Since I will be speaking to fellow college students, I figured the best place to ask would be here. Any suggestions are appreciated. :)

2 minute speech on video games

How to Write a Two Minute Speech: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Have you ever been asked to give a two-minute speech and found yourself struggling to come up with the perfect words? Writing a speech, even a short one, can be a daunting task. It requires careful planning, research, and structure to convey your message effectively. But don't worry, we've got you covered. In this step-by-step guide, we'll take you through the process of crafting a concise and impactful two-minute speech.

Understanding the Purpose of a Two Minute Speech

Before we dive into the writing process, it's essential to understand the purpose of a two-minute speech. As the name suggests, a two-minute speech is a brief talk that typically conveys a specific message or idea. It may be delivered on various occasions, such as a business pitch, a wedding toast, or a school presentation.

Two-minute speeches have become increasingly popular in recent years, and it's not hard to see why. In today's fast-paced world, people have shorter attention spans, and it can be challenging to keep an audience engaged for an extended period. A two-minute speech allows you to deliver your message quickly and efficiently, without losing your audience's attention.

The Importance of Brevity

One of the critical features of a two-minute speech is brevity. Given the limited time frame, you need to convey your message succinctly and powerfully. Clarity, conciseness, and impactfulness are more important than impressing your audience with fancy words or complex arguments.

It's crucial to remember that brevity doesn't mean sacrificing substance. You still need to have a clear message and supporting points to make your speech effective. However, you must prioritize your ideas and present them in a way that is easy for your audience to understand and remember.

Common Occasions for Two-Minute Speeches

There are numerous occasions when a two-minute speech may be required. These include:

  • Job interviews: A two-minute speech can be an effective way to introduce yourself and highlight your qualifications for a job.
  • Entrepreneurship pitches: If you're looking to secure funding for a new business venture, a two-minute pitch can be an excellent way to make a quick impression on potential investors.
  • Wedding toasts: A heartfelt two-minute speech can be a beautiful way to honor the newlyweds and celebrate their love.
  • Funeral eulogies: A two-minute speech can be a powerful way to pay tribute to a loved one who has passed away.
  • Conference presentations: Two-minute speeches are becoming increasingly popular at conferences as a way for presenters to deliver quick, impactful messages.
  • School or college assignments: Two-minute speeches can be an effective way for students to practice public speaking and showcase their knowledge on a particular topic.
  • Political campaigns: Two-minute speeches are often used by politicians during debates and other public appearances to convey their message quickly and effectively.

Whether you're delivering a two-minute speech at a job interview, a wedding, or a conference, remember that brevity and impactfulness are key. With careful planning and practice, you can deliver a powerful message that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.

Planning Your Two Minute Speech

Now that you understand the critical features of a two-minute speech let's move on to the first step in the writing process, planning.

Identifying Your Main Message

The first step in planning your speech is identifying your primary message. What is it that you want to convey to your audience? Is it a call to action, an informative idea or a persuasive pitch? Once you determine your primary message, you will be able to craft the rest of your speech around it.

Researching Your Topic

After identifying your primary message, you will need to conduct research on your topic to support your arguments and convey credibility. You can use various sources, including books, articles, websites and interviews to gather information. Ensure that you only use reliable and verified sources to avoid any inaccuracies in your speech.

Knowing Your Audience

The last step in planning your speech is knowing your audience. Who will be listening to your speech, and what are their needs and expectations? Tailoring your speech to your audience will help you connect better with them and convey your message more effectively.

Structuring Your Two Minute Speech

With the planning phase complete, it's time to move on to the structure of your speech. A well-structured speech will ensure that your message is conveyed effectively, and your audience stays engaged throughout the two minutes.

Crafting a Strong Introduction

Your introduction is the most critical part of your speech. It should be attention-grabbing, informative, and set the tone for the rest of your talk. Start with a quote, anecdote, or a shocking statistic to capture your audience's attention, and then proceed to introduce your primary message.

Organizing Your Key Points

To keep your speech organized, begin by outlining your primary message and then break it down into three key points. Ensure each point supports your primary message and flows coherently into the next point. Use examples, stories, or data to illustrate your points and keep your audience engaged throughout.

Developing a Memorable Conclusion

Just as your introduction is essential, so is your conclusion. It should leave a lasting impression on your audience, summarize your main points and restate your primary message. You can end with a call to action or a powerful quote that resonates with your message and inspires your audience to act.

Writing Tips for a Two Minute Speech

Writing a great two-minute speech requires more than just outlining and structuring your talk. Here are some additional writing tips to help make your speech memorable and impactful.

Using Clear and Concise Language

When writing a two-minute speech, it's essential to use straightforward language that your audience can understand. Avoid complex vocabulary and jargon that may confuse or alienate your listeners.

Incorporating Storytelling Techniques

Using personal anecdotes, real-life examples, or case studies can help illustrate your key points and make your speech more relatable to your audience. It can also add a humanistic touch to your speech and make it more memorable in the long run.

Balancing Facts and Emotions

Lastly, it's essential to balance your use of facts and emotions. While facts help support your arguments and add credibility, emotions help connect with your audience and make your speech more impactful. A balanced approach to facts and emotions is crucial for a great two-minute speech.

ChatGPT Prompt for Writing a Two Minute Speech

Use the following prompt in an AI chatbot . Below each prompt, be sure to provide additional details about your situation. These could be scratch notes, what you'd like to say or anything else that guides the AI model to write a certain way.

Compose a speech that is two minutes in length, ensuring that it is well-crafted, comprehensive, and of the highest quality possible.


In conclusion, writing a two-minute speech requires careful planning, research, and structure. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you'll be able to craft a concise, impactful talk that resonates with your audience and conveys your message effectively. Remember to keep it simple, use storytelling techniques and maintain a balance between facts and emotions. With practice, you'll be able to deliver great two-minute speeches that leave a lasting impression on your audience.

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The Top 5 Video Game Speeches of This Generation


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5 Open-World PS3 Games That Are Still Fun To Play

State of decay 3's next reveal is already clear, zelda: tears of the kingdom player builds impressive carriage out of colgera parts.

Video games have been speaking to us ever since 1980, when arcade and Atari titles like Bezerk began synthesizing robotic voices - hashing out grainy one-liners of instruction and inspiration. These audio endeavors soon materialized into real-life voice acting, and before long extended dialogue sequences were a presentational staple, cinematic cutscenes were commonplace, and riveting characters began uttering riveting speeches and monologues. Conversing became immersing.

As facial animation and visual realism grows ever stronger, and the voice-acting talent pool ever fuller, the art of the video game speech has reached its highest state yet in this generation.

Which moments made our top 5? Read on to find out.

[ SPOILER WARNING] Massive spoilers to the endings of BioShock and Metal Gear Solid 4 are found within pages 4 and 6, respectively. Click with caution .

Mass Effect - Kirrahe Holds the Line


Sharp. Precise. Invoking but to-the-point. In little more than a minute, Captain Kirrahe gets his band of Salarian brothers ready for a suicide mission long before Mass Effect 2 rewrote the definition. Sure, objective completion and intuitive thinking might save the Captain a smattering of his men, but individually, these sons of the 3rd Infiltration Regiment STG are fully devoted to the notion that this, here on Virmire, is their final hour. For many, it will be.

Without the leadership of Kirrahe (who’s appropriately named after a mountain used to prepare U.S. paratroopers for D-Day ) Shepard’s mission never would have had a chance. Saren — the Reapers — would reign supreme.

But not this day. With a swift salvo of rhetoric, a timely thunder clap from the God of Punctuation, one of the more resonant moments in Mass Effect makes it mark. And the line is held.

Killzone 2 - Visari Readies for Bloodshed


Warmongering diatribes are a hallmark of the Visari administration - if Killzone provides an accurate account of it. Though played through the eyes of his enemies (AKA the good guys), each game in the series has opened to the pater familias of the Helghan Empire inciting his catechized corps of Helghast troops to the cause of ISA annihilation. With the walls closing in at the introduction of Killzone 2 , Scolar Visari spins his masterpiece: the “hold the line” speech every dictator dreams of.

Rico’s irritable avoidance of Visari’s stern warning even seeds the interlude sequence with a small touch of foreshadowing: The ISA have no idea what’s waiting on the planet Helghan, and the bloody montage that ensues when the speech concludes proves that this man means every word. It’s all the welcome back a Killzone 1 fan could have asked for.

BioShock — Confronting Andrew Ryan


It’s one of the moments that defined the first BioShock : the haunting pre-mortem soliloquy of Andrew Ryan.

Here was a man who so despised Altruism — he believed every man was “entitled to the sweat of his own brow” — that he rejected the social hierarchies of sea-level civilization to construct his own metropolis, Rapture, leagues-deep in the middle of the Atlantic. He convinced society’s finest minds — doctors, scientists, entrepreneurial geniuses — to join him, and together they forged a thriving cultural mecca. At least, that’s how it began.

This Utopian ambition is introduced to us in an opening monologue that’s spectacular on its own — but even more powerful is our first/final live encounter with Ryan, after his dream has crumbled into pieces. It is at this moment when we witness his life’s cruel irony: a man of such Altruism animus, initiating his own death when it will only save others — Jack; Dr. Tenenbaum; the Little Sisters, if they’re alive — hollow objects of welfare, now, with his real love, the fruit of his labor, spoiling into decay.

But the speech isn’t memorable for its deadly swings of fate (if of golf clubs). In the end, we look back on Andrew Ryan’s death the way we do his life. In the end, he chose; a man, not a slave.

Gears of War 2 - Prescott Brings the Fight to the Locust


There are no would-you-kindly’s in Gears of War ; it’s a rarity when orders and observations aren’t grunted through teeth, laced with profanities or giddy about the amount of viscera splashing around at any given moment. But when the series does try to step away from its traditional bawdy bounds, when it overthrows action for emotion, poignancy, and carefully scripted drama, occasionally it will hit the mark surprisingly well.

Case in point: At the beginning of Gears of War 2 , with the COG haven of Jacinto on the verge of Locust annihilation, the Honorable Chairman Richard Prescott puts the entire human race on his shoulders and commemorates the first day Sera takes the fight to its underworld invaders in riveting fashion. He’s a windbreaker and walkie-talkie away from jumping in a King Raven and personally leading the assault.

The COG leader is described better as enigmatic than charismatic, and is scantly depicted as endearing throughout the main Gears trilogy. The gravity of the situation brings out his best, however, and while Prescott may not seem the ideal rallying symbol to motivate his army and the audience, both are left ravenous by the time he’s finished.

Metal Gear Solid 4 - Big Boss' Parting Words

Sometimes, the best speeches are those that don’t require a pulpit or a megaphone. When an organic moment between two or more readily-oratory participants suddenly produces a one-way conversation: one person gets on a roll — musing, brooding, eulogizing, ranting — and everyone else realizes it’s best to shut up and listen… and standby for cigar service, if necessary.

Big Boss closes out Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots with one such speech, the final reflections of an illustrious life silencing his last-living son, Solid Snake, into the role of a graceful bystander. The FOXHOUND founder formerly known as Naked Snake bears all (metaphorically speaking). Reflecting on exploits decades-past, appealing for recompense long-overdue, and dreaming about a future era that’s fast-approaching — it’s Hideo Kojima’s way of passing the torch to the next generation (be it the rapidly-ripened Snake or a completely different tangent — we’ll know when Metal Gear Solid 5 is revealed ) whilst tactfully closing the encyclopedia on the past. Furthermore, this being the work of said director, there almost has to be some sort of symbolism, some foreshadowing clue hidden with the patchwork of those white annual flowers. We won’t attempt to decode Kojima here, but it’s one of many reasons we keep returning to some of his finest work.

From a Salarian captain in Mass Effect to a business magnate in BioShock to a warrior politician in Gears of War , video games have shown how speeches can thrill - and also kill; an autocratic dictator in Killzone can revel in a bloody conflict while a lifelong solider in Metal Gear Solid sheds away its memory.

But even as the five speeches here are a testament to modern gaming’s ever-growing emotional spectrum, it’s important to remember their debt of gratitude to the moments of speaking splendor of generations gone by: the Metal Gear Solid’s, the Half-Life’s and so many more.

And as for the honorable mentions — that’s up to you. What other speeches deserve recognition? Which do you find inspirational? Which exciting, provoking, or eliciting of tears? Feel free to share in the comments below.

Follow me on Twitter @ Brian_Sipple .

  • Gaming News

15 Most Badass Monologues In Video Game History

"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?"

2 minute speech on video games

Cinema has long been the go-to medium that everyone would look to for legendary monologues, and you'd expect no less from something that's been around for over 100 years. However, ever since video games evolved from blips and bloops and made cinematic storytelling possible, they've been brimming with memorable speeches that cause tingles to go up your spine, engraining themselves into your collective subconscious in the process.

Whether they spur us on into last stand battles, mockingly introduce us to ruined worlds or make us rethink everything we've done in the game up to that point, video game speeches have a unique relationship with the player.

What gives them their power is the fact that they're addressing you directly, pulling you in on a personal level and inviting you to react and respond to them - be it with your gun, your own dialogue options, or simply by playing the narrative laid out for you. A great video game monologue affects us in a way that no other medium ever will, and these are the greatest ones that will stuck with you forever.

Gamer, Researcher of strange things. I'm a writer-editor hybrid whose writings on video games, technology and movies can be found across the internet. I've even ventured into the realm of current affairs on occasion but, unable to face reality, have retreated into expatiating on things on screens instead.


Speech on Chess

Chess is a timeless game, a battle of strategy and wit. It’s a two-player contest, where you and your opponent command an army of 16 pieces each on a 64-square board.

The joy of chess lies in its complexity. Each move you make can lead to a myriad of possibilities, making every game a new challenge.

1-minute Speech on Chess

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, today we talk about a game that has stood the test of time – Chess. This game is not just about moving pieces on a board. It’s a battle of minds, a thrilling adventure right on your table.

Chess is a game of strategy and planning. Each player starts with 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two knights, two bishops, and eight pawns. The goal is simple – protect your king while trying to checkmate the opponent’s king. But don’t be fooled. This simple goal needs clever thinking and smart moves.

Think of chess as a story. The board is your stage, and the pieces are your characters. Each piece has a role to play, a part in the story. The pawns may seem small, but they are brave soldiers. The rooks are like castles, strong and steady. The knights are the heroes, jumping over obstacles. The bishops are swift, moving diagonally. The queen is the most powerful, and the king, he is the one you must protect at all costs.

Playing chess is like planting a tree. It needs patience. It needs time. You cannot rush. Each move is like a seed you plant. With careful tending, it can grow into a winning position.

Chess is also a great teacher. It teaches us that every move has consequences. It teaches us to think before we act. It shows us that even when things look tough, there’s always a way out.

So, let’s embrace this beautiful game. Let’s learn, let’s play, let’s enjoy chess. Because chess is not just a game. It’s a journey of the mind, a journey worth taking.

Also check:

2-minute Speech on Chess

Ladies and gentlemen, let’s talk about chess, a game that has been around for over a thousand years. It’s not just a game; it’s a journey, a battle of wits, a test of strategy and patience. It’s like a great book that you can’t put down, a puzzle that keeps you guessing, a dance where every move counts.

Chess is a game of two armies on a tiny battlefield. Each piece, from the humble pawn to the mighty queen, has a role to play. The king, though not the most powerful, is the most important. If he falls, the game is over. The aim is simple: protect your king while trying to checkmate your opponent’s king.

Chess is a universal language. It doesn’t matter where you come from, how old you are, or what language you speak. When you sit down at a chess board, you communicate through the game. Chess is played in parks, in schools, in homes, and even online. It brings people together, bridges gaps, and builds friendships.

But chess is not just about winning or losing. It’s a teacher in disguise. It teaches us about planning, about thinking ahead, about making decisions. It teaches us that every action has a consequence. It teaches us to stay calm under pressure, to be patient, and to never give up. It shows us that even when things look bad, there’s always a way out, a way to turn things around.

Chess also helps us grow. It sharpens our minds, helps us focus, and improves our memory. It’s like a gym for our brain. Research shows that kids who play chess do better in school. They are better at problem-solving, at understanding complex ideas, and at making decisions.

Finally, chess is fun! It’s thrilling to plan a clever attack, to trap your opponent, to escape from a tricky situation. It’s satisfying to see your plans work out, to win a game after a tough fight. And even when you lose, you learn something new, something you can use in your next game.

In conclusion, chess is more than just a game. It’s a tool for learning, a bridge between cultures, a workout for the brain, and a source of endless fun. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, whether you play for fun or for glory, chess has something for everyone. So, pick up a chess set, learn the moves, and start playing. You’ll be amazed at where this ancient game can take you. Thank you.

We also have speeches on more interesting topics that you may want to explore.

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13 Best AI Video Tools to Try in 2024 (Mostly Free!)

Featuring the most exciting and feature-packed A.I. video editor tools currently available, from AI tools for editing to the best new AI video generators.

AI | Software | By Jeff Collier

Shotkit may earn a commission on affiliate links. Learn more.

You’re about to discover the best AI video editing tools to speed up your film making workflow.

I’ve used all kinds of fancy video editing software over my years producing home movies.

…but nothing as exciting as this selection of AI-powered tools.

Topaz Video AI

Use AI to reframe your videos in one click for multiple devices, match colours, tag footage and more in this popular full-featured video editor.

This guide is for everyone from budding YouTuber to professional content creator… and every filmmaker in between.

(If you’re a photographer, make sure you check our articles on AI photo tools and AI photo editing software .)

I’ll walk you through the best AI video software that can streamline your editing workflow, save you time, and boost your creativity.

Table of Contents

What Are the Best AI Video Tools to Try in 2024?

Image Product Features
Adobe Premiere ProOUR #1 CHOICE
Deep Brain
Lumen 5

1. Adobe Premiere Pro | Best AI Software to Create Videos

2 minute speech on video games

  • Best all round video editor
  • Cloud-syncing for backups
  • Free trial available
  • Colour matching speeds up edits
  • Auto reframing useful for social media
  • Subscription based model
  • Steep learning curve
  • Requires high computer specs

Not only is Premiere Pro my pick of the best video editing software , but it’s now my favourite AI video app too.

With the latest version you can download using the button above, you’ll get some crazy powerful AI tools to make creating high quality videos a cinch.

Colour Match allows you to match the colours in two different clips in your sequence to help get rid of any discrepancies between different shots in the same scene – really useful if you use two different cameras.

The Auto Reframe tool is a godsend for social media video content, allowing you to change horizontal 16:9 video footage into a tall 9:16 aspec ratio, perfect for instagram Stories or YouTube Shorts.

If you shoot interviews, the auto audio ducking feature uses AI to lower the volume of music when dialogue is happening

Adobe Sensei is the ‘brain’ behind the AI in Premiere Pro, providing other features such as Auto Classification which tags your footage and Morph Cut which smoothes out jump cuts.

Overall, even if you didn’t use any of the AI video features in Premiere Pro, you’d still be left with the top editing software of the year – start by downloading a free trial and see what you think.

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2. Topaz Video AI | Photography AI Tool for Enlargements

2 minute speech on video games

  • Extremely powerful video editing tool
  • Upscaling, image stabilization, and slow-motion capabilities
  • Can generate multiple previews at the same time
  • Relatively expensive

Simply put, Topaz Video AI is a standalone desktop video editing application that makes your videos look better.

Drag and drop your video into the software, select from the menu of presets, and let the deep-learning robot minds cast their magic.

You can even upscale your footage. That means that all your grainy, blurry old 1080p film can now be enhanced to 4K or 8K.

You can also render your footage in slow motion which can be handy if you forgot to shoot in the correct frame rate:

Let’s say you shot at 24 fps – give Topaz that video and the AI will create new frames between the actual frames you shot, so your 24 fps could become 60 fps, and you can slow it right down.

The program also has two types of image stabilization to help you produce engaging videos:

The first crops into your footage to create this effect, and the other is image-aware and will fill in the missing gaps around the edges of your video so that the field of view doesn’t change.

With this powerful AI video editing software, you can tweak just about any setting you’d want to use to enhance the quality of your footage – the frame rate, the amount of grain, or the sharpness.

Not only that, you can create your own custom presets for adding to future videos.

  • Topaz Video AI Review

3. Filmora | Affordable AI Video Maker

2 minute speech on video games

  • Simple, easy-to-use interface
  • Good suite of AI tools
  • Subscription or perpetual license options
  • Doesn’t have the slick feel of some competitors

As well as giving you all the tools you’d expect from a video editing suite, for adding templates, titles and subtitles, and for making adjustments to the video and audio tracks, Filmora also has some fantastic AI tools.

You can adjust your footage’s aspect ratio, upscale video resolution from lowly 1080p to, for example, 4K, and change your frame rate to make fast video slow and slow video fast.

Other AI tools include their chroma key, which enables you to remove specific background colours.

This is especially useful for green screen footage, to make the background transparent so that you can add other media.

AI portrait does essentially the same thing and removes even complex backgrounds from behind subjects.

Added to that, Filmora has AI image stabilization, and lens correction to help you sort out any irritating distortion your lens might have gifted you.

In general, Filmora is my recommended video editing software for beginners – it may not have every feature of Final Cut or Adobe Premiere for video creation, but for the price, it can’t be beaten.

  • Filmora Review
  • Best green screen software

4. Fliki | Best AI Video Generator

Website homepage for "fliki," featuring a headline "turn text into videos with ai voices," a pink and white interface, and a "start for free" button.

  • Simple workflow to convert ideas, scripts, blogs, PPT, product URLs, and tweets into videos
  • 2000+ AI voices in 75+ languages and 100+ dialects
  • First in the industry to offer AI-generated video clips
  • High-quality avatars with voice cloning in 29 languages
  • Translate/Dub videos in 75+ Languages
  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface
  • Require a paid subscription for premium features

Fliki is a groundbreaking text to video AI tool perfect for transforming text into engaging videos with professional voiceovers. Its user-friendly design makes it accessible even to those with little technical experience, allowing them to produce high-quality video content effortlessly.

Fliki’s extensive voice selection, available in 75+ languages and over 100 dialects, provides unparalleled personalization options. It also offers advanced voice cloning in 29 languages, and it leads the industry with its unique AI video clips—just input text and watch as Fliki’s AI crafts distinct video content akin to OpenAI’s Sora technology.

Whether you’re a content creator, a marketer, or just someone with a personal project, Fliki AI Video Generator provides the tools and flexibility needed to produce visually appealing and impactful videos.

5. Deep Brain | Text to Speech AI Video Tools

deep brain screenshot

  • Innovative AI human technology
  • Multi-language text-to-speech solutions
  • Wide application across sectors
  • Free online AI video editor
  • Highly customizable avatars
  • Learning curve

DeepBrain AI stands out in the field of artificial intelligence with its cutting-edge AI human technology.

It excels at creating real-time, interactive artificial humans that can be employed in various domains, such as customer service, virtual assistance, and educational content delivery.

Their service enables the use of AI avatars that are customizable to suit different business needs, providing a unique interactive experience for end-users.

It’s particularly beneficial for enterprises looking to scale their operations with AI while maintaining a human-like touch in their customer engagement strategies.

Screenshot of Veed.IO home page

  • Good for beginners
  • Easy to learn
  • Range of templates and tools
  • Speech to subtitles feature
  • Some features are only available in higher price plans

One of the best AI video editing options for beginners is

It has an extremely simple and easy-to-learn interface, but despite this, it still packs a punch. has many of the features of the previous two video editing software programs in this article.

With it, you can change the frame rate to speed up or slow down your footage, and you can also remove backgrounds with a single click.

Something it’s well-known for is its AI-powered speech to subtitles tool, which accurately transcribes in moments, saving you potential hours of work.

And there’s also the text-to-speech feature. With this, you can give your video a voiceover without manually recording your own voice, and you can choose from a range of voice profiles and accents.

I’ve included Veed in this list of the best AI video software because I’ve spent many a day transcribing videos manually, and know how frustrating it can be.

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7. Synthesia

a screen shot of Synthesia homepage

  • Easy way to make presentations
  • Powerful, simple-to-use tool
  • Impressive range of features
  • Affordable AI video creation platform
  • Limited, specialized use case

Synthesia specializes in speech-to-video creation using artificial intelligence to create engaging videos.

They give you a range of templates and amazingly lifelike avatars which you can make say anything you want – ideal for creating YouTube videos you don’t want to appear in.

Whatever you type, they can say in a range of accents, using diction and, in the most recent iteration, gestures.

It’s spooky how realistic it all sounds – even if you don’t have any staff or any desire to appear in YouTube videos yourself, Synthesia can help with your video creation.

You can add a background behind your avatar, add a music track, and use a range of other tools to make the video your own.

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a screen shot of Invideo home page

  • Easy to use and learn
  • Simple but powerful
  • Simple, two-tier pricing
  • Article-to-text feature
  • Only the highest membership tiers have access to the best video and image libraries

This software shares a lot in look and feel with

It has a super-simple, clean interface that is very easy to navigate. It also has a vast bank of templates for a range of needs from sports to marketing, to help you kick things off.

One of its most impressive features is the AI-powered article-to-text tool.

With this, you can copy and paste an article into the tool, and it will scrape the text to extract the main ideas, and then create concise content around these.

It can create a unique video from an article too. Let’s say I wanted to make a video from this article – I could just paste the URL into InVid, and the video would be created for me!

This makes it the best AI video tool for batch creating multiple clips from a blog.

Like, InVideo also offers automated text-to-speech. No more need to record voiceovers, all thanks to the power of video artificial intelligence.

  • What’s the best mobile video editing app for iPhone and Android?

9. Descript 

a screen shot of descript homepage

  • Unique product
  • Powerful editing tools
  • Edit video with text
  • Slick interface
  • It’s not for everyone, but that’s just me trying to find something to say

One for the podcasters . A powerful speech-to-text editor that will save you time by allowing you to edit automatically transcribed text and video voiceover at the same time.

Simply put, you can record yourself, your voice and your face, and Descript uses AI to make a video and a written script from this.

You can then edit that script, for example shortening long pauses in your speech, removing filler and thinking words, or removing whole phrases.

Whatever you remove is also removed from the recorded footage, thereby seamlessly editing your video with AI.

The software also allows you to sync your visuals with specific moments in the script, and there’s a toolbar to help you collaborate on a project with a team.

Add to that powerful video editing features such as the ability to grade colours, remove backgrounds, and beef up sound quality, and you have yourself a winner.

10. FlexClip

a screen shot of Flexclip homepage

  • Interface good for beginners
  • Great template and stock library
  • AI speech to text
  • AI text to speech
  • Limited tools for pros
  • Only exports to 1080p

This software is rich in templates and has an impressive amount of stock imagery and video you can use to inspire or pad out your videos.

The interface is very simple – it’s the best AI video editing software I tested for beginners, who will get the hang of it very easily.

Once you have your footage uploaded, you have the standard range of editing tools to work with, to make your video look exactly as you want it to.

You can adjust the brightness, and the speed, you can flip it around, trim it, or use FlexClip’s range of filters to automatically adjust the colours.

In terms of AI video creation features, there’s speech-to-text, which can quickly generate subtitles, and text-to-speech, which can help you make natural-sounding voiceovers.

11. Rawshorts

a screen shot of Rawshorts homepage

  • Good library of resources
  • Timesaver for small businesses
  • Text to animation
  • Automatic voice generator
  • Free version is quite limited

This powerful tool is specifically for people who want to make video animations.

Write a script (or get ChatGPT to do that for you!) and paste it into the program. The software will then generate a voiceover, scrape your text for the main ideas, and then use those to make a coherent, animated storyboard.

You’ve probably seen these types of animations used on software product sales pages to explain how to use the software.

This type of animation can cost thousands of dollars to produce (not to mention countless hours of drawing), but now thanks to AI, you can do it for a fraction of the time and cost.

If you need to create videos for small businesses, you can imagine how much easier this clever AI video tool can make your work.

12. Lumen 5

a screen shot of Lumen homepage

  • Quick and easy tool to use
  • Text to video
  • Good range of editing tools
  • Free version is very limited

This nifty AI video editing softwa re software helps you automatically transform blog posts, Zoom calls, or articles, into video.

It’s super easy to do. For example, just paste your blog article URL into the program, and it will extract the key points to match them with relevant text and video.

From there, you can tweak what you want, edit text, and swap out photos and videos from Lumen 5’s online library.

You can also make talking head videos and enhance your videos with callouts and cutaways.

My favourite feature is the ability to select words in the transcript (auto-generated by AI, of course!), then match the visuals directly to the timing of the audio.

For video creation for social media, which often needs captions timed to voice over or talking heads, this AI video app is insanely useful.

13. SyntheSys

a screenshot of Synthesys homepage

  • Professional-level software
  • Text-to-video capabilities
  • Easy-to-use dashboard
  • More expensive than other text-to-video competitors

Using SyntheSys, you can get a lifelike avatar to present a video for you, generated from text, or create a natural-sounding voiceover track.

They have a library of male and female avatars, and their technology allows them to use gestures, and natural voice tones, and speak in 145 languages.

It’s a great tool for businesses, or anyone wanting to quickly create human-looking and -sounding content for commercial purposes.

Whether you want to remain anonymous in your video clips or simply prefer to use someone else, AI video generators like this can help speed up your video creation process.

What Is the Best AI Tool to Create Videos?

It really depends on what kind of video you want to create, as there is quite a diverse range of AI video generators out there for different use cases.

A cinematographer or videographer is more likely to need a tool with the power and scope of Topaz Video AI or Filmora. These can really help you dive deep into your footage and create something extraordinary for professional videos. and InVid are best for beginners or those who perhaps need video clips for personal use or smaller scale production edits.

Then there are the tools that are better for small businesses, YouTubers, or for commercial use.

Descript is a great tool for Youtubers and podcasters to clean up their script and video, whereas Rawshorts will help you create an animation from your script.

Those looking for AI to make them a voiceover or a complete presentation with a video or even an avatar will need something different again.

Lumen 5, for example, will help you create high quality videos like these, while Synthesia or SyntheSys will generate a presentation for you with a human-ish presenter.

How Does an AI Video Generator Work?

The computer science behind the nuts and bolts of AI video generation is beyond both my human intelligence and the scope of this article.

But in simple terms, what I understand of it is that machine-learning, the machine who has learned – which is a way of saying ‘an extremely powerful computer’ – knowing language on some robotic, mathematical level, scrapes the text and converts it into computer language: numbers.

As computers understand everything in these terms, the combinations of numbers it receives from the text will correspond to number patterns within videos that express the same ideas as the text. They will match. And thus, a video is born.

AI Video Editing Software FAQ s

What is the best AI tool to create videos?

For creating videos and ease of use, I’d have to say Lumen 5 for enabling you to quickly make a coherent video from text, or SyntheSys for creating realistic avatar-led video presentations. For specific edits, Topaz Video AI can’t be beaten.

Is there an AI that edits videos?

Yes. For example, Topaz AI and Filmora both help you edit your videos.

You can use image stabilization, change the frame rate to create natural-looking slow-motion effects, upscale your videos, and do many more things that only a year or so ago, weren’t possible.

How do I know if a video was created by AI?

With many ai video editing tools, you simply won’t know, and that’s increasingly the case.

The AI tools in Topaz Video AI are so powerful there’s really no way of telling if that slow-motion video was originally filmed at 60 fps or 24 fps.

Likewise, the human avatar you can use to give your video presentations can use natural gestures, voice tones and intonation, which can make it very difficult to know if they’re real or not.

Take for example, the Deep Fake video below:

It’s certainly very hard to spot if the video creation was by AI or if it was actual footage.

What AI video app is everyone using?

Everyone is using all of them! All of the video apps in this article are being used by someone, somewhere to save time, to be more efficient, and to create something more compelling for a variety of use cases.

If I had to choose one, I’d say it was Topaz Video AI, just because that’s the world I come from, and I know that it’s a very popular resource.

For another use case, I’d find it hard to believe that most podcasters weren’t using Descript, as it’s such a powerful and powerfully specialised tool.

Is Synthesia Ai video free to use?

No, it’s not. Synthesia is only offered on a subscription basis.

AI Video Editing Tools: Final Words

So there you go.

Honestly, even though I wrote this article myself, my mind is a little blown.

AI is so new, but it can already do so much.

It’s hard to know where it’s going to lead, but although that’s a little terrifying, it’s also exciting.

Especially if you’re working with video.

The AI video generators and tools available to you are so powerful that they will change the way you film and the way you think about filming.

Cinematographers can make 8K cinematic, slow-motion, fully stabilized footage from 1080p footage filmed on an old camera.

YouTubers can make video content of themselves with all their thinking words removed.

Businesses can make promo videos, voiceovers or video presentations without hiring voiceover artists.

It’s head-spinning! Doesn’t it make you want to create AI generated videos just to see how incredible the technology has become?

If you’re not already using AI video generators in some form, it definitelt feels like right now is the time to start.


Jeff Collier is an experienced film photographer who enjoys experimenting with modern digital photography equipment, software and apps. He’s also an ex-world champion triathlete and avid cyclist, clocking hundreds of km each week in the beautiful Tweed Valley of northern NSW, Australia.


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Starting Lineups

June 9th, 2024, past lineups.

2 minute speech on video games

  • J.P. Crawford (L) SS
  • Dylan Moore (R) 3B
  • Julio Rodríguez (R) CF
  • Mitch Garver (R) C
  • Cal Raleigh (S) DH
  • Mitch Haniger (R) RF
  • Tyler Locklear (R) 1B
  • Victor Robles (R) LF
  • Ryan Bliss (R) 2B
  • Maikel Garcia (R) 3B
  • Bobby Witt Jr. (R) SS
  • Vinnie Pasquantino (L) 1B
  • Salvador Perez (R) DH
  • Nick Loftin (R) 2B
  • MJ Melendez (L) LF
  • Freddy Fermin (R) C
  • Hunter Renfroe (R) RF
  • Kyle Isbel (L) CF
  • J Crawford (L) SS
  • D Moore (R) 3B
  • J Rodríguez (R) CF
  • M Garver (R) C
  • C Raleigh (S) DH
  • M Haniger (R) RF
  • T Locklear (R) 1B
  • V Robles (R) LF
  • R Bliss (R) 2B
  • M Garcia (R) 3B
  • B Witt Jr. (R) SS
  • V Pasquantino (L) 1B
  • S Perez (R) DH
  • N Loftin (R) 2B
  • M Melendez (L) LF
  • F Fermin (R) C
  • H Renfroe (R) RF
  • K Isbel (L) CF

2 minute speech on video games

  • Salvador Perez (R) C
  • Adam Frazier (L) DH
  • Drew Waters (S) RF
  • Mookie Betts (R) SS
  • Shohei Ohtani (L) DH
  • Freddie Freeman (L) 1B
  • Will Smith (R) C
  • Teoscar Hernández (R) RF
  • Andy Pages (R) CF
  • Miguel Rojas (R) 2B
  • Enrique Hernández (R) 3B
  • Chris Taylor (R) LF
  • S Perez (R) C
  • A Frazier (L) DH
  • D Waters (S) RF
  • M Betts (R) SS
  • S Ohtani (L) DH
  • F Freeman (L) 1B
  • W Smith (R) C
  • T Hernández (R) RF
  • A Pages (R) CF
  • M Rojas (R) 2B
  • K Hernández (R) 3B
  • C Taylor (R) LF

2 minute speech on video games

  • Anthony Volpe (R) SS
  • Juan Soto (L) RF
  • Aaron Judge (R) DH
  • Alex Verdugo (L) LF
  • Gleyber Torres (R) 2B
  • Anthony Rizzo (L) 1B
  • DJ LeMahieu (R) 3B
  • Austin Wells (L) C
  • Trent Grisham (L) CF
  • Nelson Velázquez (R) RF
  • Dairon Blanco (R) LF
  • Garrett Hampson (R) 2B
  • A Volpe (R) SS
  • J Soto (L) RF
  • A Judge (R) DH
  • A Verdugo (L) LF
  • G Torres (R) 2B
  • A Rizzo (L) 1B
  • D LeMahieu (R) 3B
  • A Wells (L) C
  • T Grisham (L) CF
  • N Velázquez (R) RF
  • D Blanco (R) LF
  • G Hampson (R) 2B

2 minute speech on video games

  • Aaron Judge (R) CF
  • Giancarlo Stanton (R) DH
  • Jose Trevino (R) C
  • Freddy Fermin (R) DH
  • Garrett Hampson (R) LF
  • A Judge (R) CF
  • G Stanton (R) DH
  • J Trevino (R) C
  • F Fermin (R) DH
  • G Hampson (R) LF

2 minute speech on video games

  • Oswaldo Cabrera (S) 3B
  • Nelson Velázquez (R) DH
  • O Cabrera (S) 3B
  • N Velázquez (R) DH

2 minute speech on video games

  • Juan Soto (L) DH
  • DJ LeMahieu (R) 1B
  • Jahmai Jones (R) RF
  • Salvador Perez (R) 1B
  • Garrett Hampson (R) CF
  • J Soto (L) DH
  • D LeMahieu (R) 1B
  • J Jones (R) RF
  • S Perez (R) 1B
  • G Hampson (R) CF
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Real Teenagers, Fake Nudes: The Rise of Deepfakes in American Schools

Students are using artificial intelligence to create sexually explicit images of their classmates..

2 minute speech on video games

Hosted by Sabrina Tavernise

Featuring Natasha Singer

Produced by Sydney Harper and Shannon M. Lin

Edited by Marc Georges

Original music by Marion Lozano ,  Elisheba Ittoop and Dan Powell

Engineered by Chris Wood

Listen and follow The Daily Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music | YouTube

Warning: this episode contains strong language, descriptions of explicit content and sexual harassment

A disturbing new problem is sweeping American schools: Students are using artificial intelligence to create sexually explicit images of their classmates and then share them without the person depicted even knowing.

Natasha Singer, who covers technology, business and society for The Times, discusses the rise of deepfake nudes and one girl’s fight to stop them.

On today’s episode

Natasha Singer , a reporter covering technology, business and society for The New York Times.

A girl and her mother stand next to each other wearing black clothing. They are looking into the distance and their hair is blowing in the wind.

Background reading

Using artificial intelligence, middle and high school students have fabricated explicit images of female classmates and shared the doctored pictures.

Spurred by teenage girls, states have moved to ban deepfake nudes .

There are a lot of ways to listen to The Daily. Here’s how.

We aim to make transcripts available the next workday after an episode’s publication. You can find them at the top of the page.

The Daily is made by Rachel Quester, Lynsea Garrison, Clare Toeniskoetter, Paige Cowett, Michael Simon Johnson, Brad Fisher, Chris Wood, Jessica Cheung, Stella Tan, Alexandra Leigh Young, Lisa Chow, Eric Krupke, Marc Georges, Luke Vander Ploeg, M.J. Davis Lin, Dan Powell, Sydney Harper, Mike Benoist, Liz O. Baylen, Asthaa Chaturvedi, Rachelle Bonja, Diana Nguyen, Marion Lozano, Corey Schreppel, Rob Szypko, Elisheba Ittoop, Mooj Zadie, Patricia Willens, Rowan Niemisto, Jody Becker, Rikki Novetsky, John Ketchum, Nina Feldman, Will Reid, Carlos Prieto, Ben Calhoun, Susan Lee, Lexie Diao, Mary Wilson, Alex Stern, Sophia Lanman, Shannon Lin, Diane Wong, Devon Taylor, Alyssa Moxley, Summer Thomad, Olivia Natt, Daniel Ramirez and Brendan Klinkenberg.

Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landsverk of Wonderly. Special thanks to Sam Dolnick, Paula Szuchman, Lisa Tobin, Larissa Anderson, Julia Simon, Sofia Milan, Mahima Chablani, Elizabeth Davis-Moorer, Jeffrey Miranda, Maddy Masiello, Isabella Anderson, Nina Lassam and Nick Pitman.

Natasha Singer writes about technology, business and society. She is currently reporting on the far-reaching ways that tech companies and their tools are reshaping public schools, higher education and job opportunities. More about Natasha Singer



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